Student Registration







John arranges the furniture in the school preparing for registration

Ruth and Beatrice read a post on the school door

Teacher Winnie answers parent questions during registration

Ruth helps parents complete enrollment forms

Beatrice, my hostess in Kenya, bringer of joy, and team member

Teacher Winnie

Ruth, Co-Director of Lotus Pre-School

It has been a busy day here in Kenya!  We have a date set for Dec. 21 to take the children on a field trip to a number of animal centers!  It will be the first time that many of the children

The December rains make the walk to the school a bit messy

have left the slum!  It will be an exciting experience!

We had the first day of registration, and 20 students are now enrolled!  It is interesting to be a part of the process as women discuss the challenges faced in obtaining birth certificates for their children, especially when the children are not born in a hospital.

Pastor John, my host in Kenya, and one of the Pre-School team members